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CIWA Learning Note: Catalyzing Farmer-Led Irrigation Development in the Sahel from Shallow Groundwater

The key findings from the work on shallow groundwater for FLID in the Sahel are outlined in Learning Note #3 of the Sahel Groundwater Learning Note series.

CIWA Learning Note: Uncovering the socio-economic potential of groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the Sahel

In the Sahel region, where water resources are mostly underground, groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are important lifelines for communities, around which a multitude of social interactions and economic activities develop. Read our new Learning Note.

CIWA Learning Note: Harnessing the Potential of Groundwater to Enhance Pastoral Productivity in the Sahel

Read our new CIWA Learning Note on how Groundwater coud contribute to sustain pastoral livelihoods and provide multiple benefits in the Sahel region.

Cover photo of the CIWA GESI Learning Note

CIWA Learning Note: Applying a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Lens to the Transboundary Water Context

This Learning Note highlights key lessons and best practices related to the integration of a social inclusion perspective into CIWA’s work. The Learning Note draws upon CIWA’s own approach and experience undertaking GESI analysis by documenting specific steps that were taken at the project development phase of transboundary water projects.

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