Standing up for the empowerment of women

In 2023, the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) launched the Male Champions for Women’s Empowerment (MCWE) to work with a cadre of men who pledge to take steps to support the active participation of women within the transboundary water context.

CIWA believes that the Male Champions are uniquely placed to engage with other men to advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment within transboundary water organizations at the local, national, regional, and continental level.

Our Mission

The transboundary water sector has historically operated within deeply entrenched patriarchal systems, where women are often relegated to passive roles as water users rather than recognized as vital decision-makers in water management and policy. This limited perspective fails to capitalize on women’s expertise, insights, and potential contributions to effective water resource management.

To address this challenge, CIWA has developed a comprehensive program that cultivates and empowers male advocates for change. By engaging influential men who are committed to gender equality, the initiative works to dismantle barriers and create pathways for women’s meaningful participation in water governance.

Strategic Objectives

The MCWE initiative pursues four interconnected goals:

  1. Raise awareness about men’s crucial role as advocates for gender equality in transboundary water management, highlighting the positive impact of male allyship in creating inclusive institutions.
  2. Develop and implement concrete actions that Male Champions can undertake to advance gender equality within their organizations, from policy changes to mentorship programs.
  3. Create platforms and opportunities for Male Champions to collaborate and lead initiatives that expand women’s decision-making roles in transboundary water institutions.
  4. Drive measurable improvements in women’s representation at all levels of water governance, ensuring their voices shape policies and practices that affect their communities.

Through these focused efforts, CIWA is working to transform the traditionally male-dominated water sector into an inclusive space where all talents and perspectives contribute to sustainable water management across Africa.

Be a Male Champion

Being a Male Champion in Transboundary Water Management demonstrates unwavering dedication to gender equality through both professional conduct and personal example. These individuals serve as catalysts for positive change in Africa’s water sector through the following essential characteristics:

  • Visible commitment to promoting gender equality.
  • Active in facilitating women’s equal participation in transboundary water programs and institutions.
  • Role models for behaviors that demonstrate respect for gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Working within the transboundary water domain at the local, national, or regional level in Africa.
  • Available to commit time and energy on a voluntary basis to undertake actions that will change mindsets about gender norms and inequalities.


Event CIWA x WIWDN Event – September 2024 – Session Recording
Publication After Action Report from the Experience Exchange Seminar: How can men support the challenges women face in transboundary water institutions?
Blog CIWA launches Male Champions for Women’s Empowerment to transform gender inequalities in transboundary waters
Blog Empowering Women: CIWA Male Champions Unite in Lesotho
Blog Male Champions for Women’s Empowerment: Who has the power to make decisions?
Blog Glass half full: An equal share for women in decisions on 60% of the world’s freshwater
Blog Promoting a Gender-transformative Approach in the Transboundary Water Sector
Blog How can men intentionally stand up for women?


These resources cover a diverse range of topics, including masculinity, gender-based violence, and workplace diversity, providing a comprehensive guide for Male Champions to educate themselves and take action.

Work with Men and Boys for Gender Equality: A Review of Field Formation, the Evidence Base and Future Directions

Grieg, A. and Flood, M. Discussion Paper, UN Women, 2020.

Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality

Edited by Michael Flood with Richard Howson. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.

Engaging Men in Gender Equality at the OSCE: A Toolkit for OSCE Staff

Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe, August 29, 2022.

Engaging Men on Gender Equality: Learning from Concern’s Programming and Practice

Concern Worldwide, August 2018.

Engaging Men and Boys To Achieve Gender Equality: How Can We Build on What We Have Learned?

The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Instituto Promundo 2007.

Gender Equity and Male Engagement It Only Works When Everyone Pays

International Center for Research on Women, 2018.

Engaging men and boys in sanitation and hygiene programmes

Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 11, 2018.

Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Nutritional International, Gender Mainstreaming and Practice Notes from the Field, 2019.

Working with Men and Boys for Gender Equality: State of Play and Future Directions

UN Women, Policy Brief 23.

Engaging Men in Women’s Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development Interventions An ILO-WED Issue Brief

ILO Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme, NDA.

Guidance for Engaging Men and Boys

Lessons Learned from UN Women’s Regional Programme Men and Women for gender equality.

Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health

A global toolkit for action, Promundo, UNFPA, MenEngage.

Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Tool for Action

UNFPA, Kato-Wallace, J. and Foss, A.

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