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CIWA GESI Training: Promoting a Gender-transformative Approach in the Transboundary Water Sector

Posted in : on 16 July 2024

Focus on trainings conducted by the CIWA Program on how to foster gender-transformative approaches in the male-dominated transboundary water management sector. 

Agreements hold water: Reasons to scale up transboundary cooperation—now!

Posted in : on 22 March 2024

Whenever stakeholders come together to manage shared lakes, aquifers, and rivers, they forge trust, collaborative frameworks, and mutual benefits beyond these that contribute to peace and stability.

Building regional drought resilience is a marathon, not a sprint: Lessons from Southern Africa

Posted in : on 13 September 2023

The cross-sectoral approach to drought analytical work embodied by the Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative technical support program – SADRI – provides a new model for engagement in Southern Africa and regions beyond.

Promoting collaboration for harnessing Lake Chad’s potential

Posted in : on 23 February 2021

CIWA is supporting the Lake Chad Basin Commission’s endeavor to encourage cooperation and talks among the countries sharing the Lake and prioritize actions to mitigate poverty and enhance lives of its inhabitants for bringing peace and stability in the region.

A comprehensive understanding of water resources helps manage and preserve Lake Chad

Posted in : on 23 February 2021

Lake Chad is the fourth largest lake in Africa. This rich, tropical Lake with its related wetlands is shared by Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria.

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