Posted in : on 28 September 2021

Young researcher Eshani Jha wins the Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2021 for her research on how to remove contaminants from water

With more than 13,000 people (more than three times the average 4,000 in-person attendees) registered from 188 countries, World Water Week 2021 (August 23-27) served as a unifying platform for all attendees who raised their voices about how we build an equitable, resilient future for water. Share on X In that regard,the bright side to this year’s World Water Week’s digital format was that it welcomed and allowed even more people to join in on the discussions and knowledge exchanges in real-time. Share on X

At the Opening Plenary, we heard from leading figures in water research, innovation, and security tell a live audience of more than 1,200 people that change must happen now to secure a more resilient future for water. Watch:

CIWA Session on Transboundary Waters Cooperation Summary

During the August 23 session Transboundary Waters Cooperation for Resilience: Global Lessons and Experience, the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) Program Task Team Leader and World Bank Transboundary Waters Focal Point Anders Jagerskog summarized the World Bank’s 20 years of experience facilitating transboundary water cooperations worldwide. Anders also shared the many lessons learned about what works well and what areas are still challenging, as well as how the World Bank has achieved and measures its success. He pointed out that transboundary waters cooperation will become even more important for international development and environmental peacekeeping because population growth, forced migration, and climate change disruptions have created a situation where countries are increasingly reliant on transboundary water bodies. Share on X

“If we can’t improve the way we share and cooperate around transboundary waters, we will have even more challenges achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the other challenges this scenario brings,” remarked Anders. “If we cooperate better, we’ll be able to achieve water security, SDG6, facilitate investments, deliver on climate action, strengthen resilience, and more Share on X,” added Anders. The session also featured a panel discussion on the role of data in improving transboundary water cooperation and building resilience. Watch

These Tweets filled the Twitter-verse throughout the week. Our two Africa-based partners, the African Ministers’ Council on Water and the Southern Africa Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute also participated in the conference.

CIWA Session on Climate Action across Sectors and Boundaries Summary

The August 25 session Climate Action across Sectors and Boundaries focused on the implementation of transboundary adaptation strategies by basins across the world. To start off the session, Sonja Koeppel, Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Water Convention and the Protocol on Water and Health, presented some key facts about transboundary waters worldwide:

Given the above facts, Anders Jagerskog stated that, “The implementation of effective transboundary waters adaptation strategies is vital to tackling climate change and protecting vulnerable populations. Share on X He added that, “A rigorous, action-oriented plan on adapting to climate change occurring in transboundary waters is important for achieving inter-sectoral progress, reducing ecosystem degradation, and preventing disputes over shared water bodies. Share on X

Panelists cited the below best practices:


At the Closing Plenary, SIWI Executive Director Torgny Holmgren stated he was especially pleased that so many connections were made during World Water Week – between traditional water professionals and those from other sectors. He added that these connections will be key to finding the solutions to the many water challenges we face. Watch:

SIWI’s post conference summary spotlighted the 7 important conclusions from World Water Week. Read:

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