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Training students share their experience of the CIWA-funded ENTRO Program

Posted in : on 13 December 2022

Since 2011, as part of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) in partnership with CIWA (Cooperation in International Waters in Africa) has run an internship program for the next generation of talented water professionals in the EN region.

Three Key Takeaways from the World Water Week 2022

Posted in : on 8 December 2022

This year, CIWA attended the SIWI World Water Week 2022. Anders Jagerskog, Program Manager for the CIWA Program and focal lead for transboundary waters issues at the World Bank, participated in the World Water Week event and shares with us some of his insights from the sessions taken part in covering three main themes: the […]

A joint master’s degree in groundwater for Sahelian Universities

Posted in : on 22 November 2022

The Sahel Groundwater Initiative will strengthen foundations for enhanced groundwater knowledge and management capacity in the Western Sahel countries of Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, and Côte d’Ivoire. The analytical and technical assistance project is focusing on three outcomes: providing solutions to remove constraints and limitations on the use of groundwater for small-scale irrigation, reviewing […]

‘Transboundary Water Cooperation in the African Context – Key to Advance Development’ by Dr. Anders Jägerskog

Posted in : on 18 November 2022

A seminar at the Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law (CCTL) – Environmental, Energy and Climate Law Cluster, in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was held on the 10th of November. CIWA Program manager and Transboundary Waters Focal Point for the World Bank Anders Jägerskog gave a talk on transboundary water cooperation in the African Context.

Tribute video to Dr. Hellen Natu

Posted in : on 8 November 2022

Dr Hellen Natu was the Regional Manager of the Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) in Entebbe. Prior to this, an Advisor at the East African Grain Council (EAGC) in Nairobi, a Lead Specialist at the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) in Entebbe and Bujumbura, Project manager UNOPS Entebbe, Senior Lecturer and, Researcher and Consultant in Agricultural Economics […]


Posted in : on 12 October 2022

Watch our takeaway series video on the CIWA participation to World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden.

World Water Week 2022: Takeaway two On Gender and Social inclusion

Posted in : on 10 October 2022

Watch our takeaway series video on the CIWA participation to World Water Week 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.

World Water Week 2022: Takeaway One, On Groundwater

Posted in : on 20 September 2022

Watch our takeaway series video on the CIWA participation to World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden.

World Water Week: A Recap Video

Posted in : on 7 September 2022

Experts from around the world came together at the SIWI World Water Week in Stockholm last week to discuss ways to transform innovation into implementation for a water-secure future. Missed the event? Watch a quick video recap, with an interview of our CIWA Program manager, Anders Jagerskog. Credit: World Bank

Conservation and Protection of the Cubango-Okavango Basin in Southern Africa

Posted in : on 5 June 2022

Listen to CIWA’s Senior Water Management Specialist, Aleix Capdevilla, to know more on this region of Southern Africa and discover how CIWA is supporting the transboundary water cooperation in Cubango/Okavango River Basin and to better understand the importance of preservation and conservation in that region.

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