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Engagement de la Banque mondiale dans les eaux transfrontalières en Afrique de l'Ouest : rétrospective et leçons tirées (en anglais)

Posté le : 8 novembre 2021

Ce document examine l'engagement de la Banque mondiale dans les eaux transfrontalières en Afrique de l'Ouest (en particulier le bassin du Sénégal, le bassin du Niger, le bassin de la Volta et le bassin du lac Tchad) au cours des vingt dernières années et en tire des enseignements qui peuvent éclairer l'engagement futur dans la région et le secteur.

Profile de résilence à la sécheresse de la région SADC (en anglais)

Posté le : 23 septembre 2021

Ce profil de résilience à la sécheresse pour la région SADC fournit un aperçu de la situation de la sécheresse dans chaque pays, telle qu'évaluée par l'approche d'organisation de SADRI, qui repose sur le cadre de gestion intégrée des risques de sécheresse : 1) systèmes de surveillance et d'alerte précoce ; 2) évaluation de la vulnérabilité et de l'impact ; et 3) atténuation, préparation et réponse. Ce Profil et les 16 autres consacrés à l'Île Maurice, Madagascar, les Seychelles, Malawi, les Comores, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzanie, Zambie, RDC, Angola, Botswana, Afrique du Sud, Lesotho, Namibie et Eswatini sont destinés à établir une base de référence et à servir d'amorce de conversation pour savoir où et comment passer d'une gestion réactive à une gestion proactive de la sécheresse.

L'histoire du Nil : 15 ans de coopération sur le Nil – Avoir un impact

Posté le : 21 septembre 2021

L'histoire du Nil est l'un des immenses défis et des réalisations remarquables pour le développement économique de la région. Elle commence en 1999, lorsque les ministres en charge des affaires de l'eau dans les pays du Nil ont convenu de former la Nile Basin Initiative (NBI). Entre 2003 et 2015, le Nile Basin Trust Fund (NBTF) a soutenu et coordonné le travail coopératif dans la région, qui a été réalisé principalement par le biais du NBI. Ce livre, commandé par la Banque mondiale sur la fermeture de la NBTF, présente quelques aperçus de cette histoire de 15 ans, du rôle de la NBI et de la manière dont ses nombreuses réalisations ont été réalisées en cours de route.

Drought Resilience Profile, Mauritius

Posté le : 20 juillet 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Mauritius provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 15 other ones dedicated to Madagascar, Seychelles, Malawi, the Comores, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

Drought Resilience Profile, Malawi

Posté le : 20 juillet 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Malawi provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 15 other ones dedicated to Madagascar, Seychelles, the Comores, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

Drought Resilience Profile, Seychelles

Posté le : 20 juillet 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Seychelles provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 15 other ones dedicated to Madagascar, the Comores, Malawi, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

Drought Resilience Profile, Madagascar

Posté le : 20 juillet 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Madagascar provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 15 other ones dedicated to the Comores, Seychelles, Malawi, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

Drought Resilience Profile, Comores

Posté le : 20 juillet 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Comores provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 15 other ones dedicated to Madagascar, Seychelles, Malawi, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

Drought Resilience Profile, Zimbabwe

Posté le : 29 juin 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Zimbabwe provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 10 other ones dedicated to Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

Drought Resilience Profile, Tanzania

Posté le : 29 juin 2021

This Drought Resilience Profile for Tanzania provides a snapshot of the drought situation in each country, as evaluated through SADRI’s organizing approach, which is predicated upon the integrated drought risk management framework: 1) monitoring and early warning systems; 2) vulnerability and impact assessment; and 3) mitigation, preparedness, and response. This Profile and the 10 other ones dedicated to Mozambique, DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are meant to establish a baseline and to serve as a conversation starter for where and how to move from reactive to proactive drought management.

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