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A Transformative Approach for the Nile Basin: How CIWA Leaves its Mark

Posted in : on 21 February 2023

The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA), grew out of the progress made by the Nile Basin Trust Fund in water resources management and development in the Nile River Basin. Today, it is now working on a larger scale to enhance the region’s resilience to worsening climate change and water insecurity, elevating the voices of civil society in decisions about water resources, and providing opportunities for riparian dialogue and hydro-diplomacy.

Water Security Is the Way Out of the Conflict-Climate Risk Trap in Lake Chad Basin

Posted in : on 11 January 2023

The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) is working to improve water resources management by identifying investments and policy actions, and addressing knowledge and capacity gaps. As such, it is conducting a Water Security Assessment in Lake Chad basin as the first step toward developing a transformative water security framework for addressing the region’s challenges.


Posted in : on 13 December 2022

Since 2011, as part of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) in partnership with CIWA (Cooperation in International Waters in Africa) has run an internship program for the next generation of talented water professionals in the EN region. Read and listen to their story.

A woman walks during a sandstorm in Sudan.

The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa releases its 2022 Annual Report

Posted in : on 1 December 2022

The just-released Annual Report 2022 chronicles CIWA’s efforts to build Africa’s resilience, water security, and economic development in the 2022 fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2022.

Training the next generation of groundwater specialists in the Sahel

Posted in : on 22 November 2022

As climate change diminishes the availability of surface water in Africa, groundwater has emerged as a vital untapped resource. But, in the Sahel, a global hotspot for climate change and one of the poorest regions in the world, limited knowledge about groundwater resources hampers efforts to develop strategies to cope with water scarcity. Nor are there enough hydrogeologists trained in the sustainable management of this resource.


Building on the success of the Regional Nile Basin HydroMet Project: NBI addresses water quality challenges in the Nile Basin

Posted in : on 18 November 2022

The CIWA-funded Nile Cooperation for Climate Resilience (NCCR) project is aimed at supporting riparian countries in addressing water quality challenges through the improvement of national water quality monitoring and information systems using a coordinated approach.

‘Transboundary Water Cooperation in the African Context – Key to Advance Development’ by Dr. Anders Jägerskog

Posted in : on 18 November 2022

A seminar at the Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law (CCTL) – Environmental, Energy and Climate Law Cluster, in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was held on the 10th of November. CIWA Program manager and Transboundary Waters Focal Point for the World Bank Anders Jägerskog gave a talk on transboundary water cooperation in the African Context.

Water: An Accelerator for Green, Inclusive, and Resilient Growth

Posted in : on 21 October 2022

Water is critical for climate adaptation, sustainable growth, and development. Governments need to urgently embark on bold reforms in the water sector given the uncertainties presented by climate change .

SIWI World Water Week 2022: Recap and Highlights from CIWA Program Manager 

Posted in : on 16 September 2022

Anders Jagerskog, Program Manager for the CIWA Program and focal lead for transboundary waters issues at the World Bank, gives us his insights of the Water World event he participated in.

Green Homes for Sustainable Development: Creating Climate Change Resilience in Slum Communities of Kampala, Uganda

Posted in : on 14 September 2022

In 2021, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) with support from CIWA Program trained women and youth as Climate Change Resilience Champions; this training has created big impact. Asia Namusoke, one of the beneficiaries of the training shares her story

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