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Sahel region: Access to water for women-led farming is a win for communities

Posted in : on 26 February 2024

Abibata worked on a CIWA project in 2021 to uncover the challenges of access to groundwater for irrigation by farmers in the Sahel, focusing on the constraints that women in Burkina Faso face when deploying groundwater irrigation. Read her story.

Uncovering the socio-economic potential of Groundwater-dependent Ecosystems in the Sahel

Posted in : on 13 December 2023

In the Sahel region, where water resources are mostly underground, groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are important lifelines for communities, around which a multitude of social interactions and economic activities develop. Healthy ecosystems are key for livelihoods and economies. GDEs provide direct goods and services to humans including fish, livestock, plants, medicines, timber, and water storage and […]

Improving Groundwater Development in the Sahel Region

Posted in : on 18 April 2023

To better prepare future interventions and enhance awareness of groundwater as a key factor for water security, CIWA created the Sahel Groundwater Initiative technical assistance program.

Senegal Mauritanian Aquifer Basin: preserving unique riparian ecosystems

Posted in : on 11 April 2023

The continent’s third-longest river, the Senegal River, stretches across Guinea, Mali, Senegal, and Mauritania. It is the lifeblood of the area, rich in biodiversity, providing people with water for energy, irrigation, and drinking. In a region plagued by drought and poverty, this river could have become the source of conflict. Instead, it is one of […]

Water Security as the Way Out of the Conflict-Climate Risk Trap in Lake Chad Basin

Posted in : on 11 January 2023

Watch our video explainer: how CIWA is working to improve water Security as the Way Out of the Conflict-Climate Risk Trap in Lake Chad Basin

Water Security Is the Way Out of the Conflict-Climate Risk Trap in Lake Chad Basin

Posted in : on 11 January 2023

The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) is working to improve water resources management by identifying investments and policy actions, and addressing knowledge and capacity gaps. As such, it is conducting a Water Security Assessment in Lake Chad basin as the first step toward developing a transformative water security framework for addressing the region’s challenges.

Training the next generation of groundwater specialists in the Sahel

Posted in : on 22 November 2022

As climate change diminishes the availability of surface water in Africa, groundwater has emerged as a vital untapped resource. But, in the Sahel, a global hotspot for climate change and one of the poorest regions in the world, limited knowledge about groundwater resources hampers efforts to develop strategies to cope with water scarcity. Nor are there enough hydrogeologists trained in the sustainable management of this resource.

A joint master’s degree in groundwater for Sahelian Universities

Posted in : on 22 November 2022

The Sahel Groundwater Initiative will strengthen foundations for enhanced groundwater knowledge and management capacity in the Western Sahel countries of Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, and Côte d’Ivoire. The analytical and technical assistance project is focusing on three outcomes: providing solutions to remove constraints and limitations on the use of groundwater for small-scale irrigation, reviewing […]

IWD2022: Mariam Sou gives us an overview of the Sahel Groundwater initiative

Posted in : on 8 March 2022

Meet CIWA’s Water Resources Specialist Mariam Sou. She provides an overview of the Sahel Groundwater Initiative and how it aims to tackle gender inequalities in ground water access and use 

Nouakchott Table Ronde: Meet Seynabou Cisse Faye (In French)

Posted in : on 4 March 2022

On the discussion about offering a joint master’s degree in groundwater in the Sahel, Dr. Seynabou Cisse Faye of Cheikh-Anta-Diop University in Dakar says, “I sincerely hope that this can happen.” 

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