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On Desertification and Drought Day, Bringing Integrated Drought Risk Management to the Forefront in Southern Africa

Posted in : on 16 June 2021

On Desertification and Drought Day (June 17), we focus on one of climate change’s most subtle and deadly manifestations: droughts.

Protecting biodiversity through transboundary solutions in Africa

Posted in : on 20 May 2021

For Biodiversity Day (May 22), we spotlight Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) and their work to support the management of transboundary waters and protect biodiversity.

Across the Pond Podcast: Conversation with Reginalda Joseph

Posted in : on 19 March 2021

Reginalda Joseph, Hydrogeologist, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Namibia shares her journey as a woman in the water sector and explains how women can break the barriers.

Women must lead Africa’s water resources decisions for improving management

Posted in : on 10 March 2021

Reginalda Joseph, an alumna of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)- Groundwater Management Institute (GMI) ‘s Young Professional (YP) program.

Mozambique: Solar-Powered Water Supply System Changes Lives

Posted in : on 26 December 2020

Mozambique faces severe droughts and other effects of climate change. To build climate resilience and help alleviate poverty, CIWA and GEF support the SADC-GMI in providing sustainable water supply in the region.

Sustainable groundwater access can build resilience among Mozambicans

Posted in : on 9 December 2020

If used sustainably, groundwater could provide potable water to the estimated 40% of SADC inhabitants that currently lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation services.

Woman engineer paves the way for groundwater access in Chongwe District, Zambia

Posted in : on 16 October 2020

Eng. Beatrice Kanyamuna-Pole, Senior Hydrogeologist, in the Department of Water Resource Development, Zambia shares her journey as a woman contributing to the water sector.

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