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Advancing towards a more gender equal world in transboundary water management in Sub-Saharan Africa

Posted in : on 8 March 2023

If we want to begin to tackle the deep-seated drivers of gender inequality so that women can operate in an environment where their voice and role are truly accepted, we need to be more ambitious.

A Transformative Approach for the Nile Basin: How CIWA Leaves its Mark

Posted in : on 21 February 2023

The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA), grew out of the progress made by the Nile Basin Trust Fund in water resources management and development in the Nile River Basin. Today, it is now working on a larger scale to enhance the region’s resilience to worsening climate change and water insecurity, elevating the voices of civil society in decisions about water resources, and providing opportunities for riparian dialogue and hydro-diplomacy.

Green Homes for Sustainable Development: Creating Climate Change Resilience in Slum Communities of Kampala, Uganda

Posted in : on 14 September 2022

In 2021, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) with support from CIWA Program trained women and youth as Climate Change Resilience Champions; this training has created big impact. Asia Namusoke, one of the beneficiaries of the training shares her story

IWD2022: Mariam Sou gives us an overview of the Sahel Groundwater initiative

Posted in : on 8 March 2022

Meet CIWA’s Water Resources Specialist Mariam Sou. She provides an overview of the Sahel Groundwater Initiative and how it aims to tackle gender inequalities in ground water access and use 

IWD2022: Ellen Hagerman gives us an overview of CIWA’s engagements towards GESI

Posted in : on 8 March 2022

In advancing more elevated professional roles for women in the transboundary water field today, senior gender specialist Ellen Hagerman points to the importance of positioning women as leaders.

Nouakchott Table Ronde: Meet Seynabou Cisse Faye (In French)

Posted in : on 4 March 2022

On the discussion about offering a joint master’s degree in groundwater in the Sahel, Dr. Seynabou Cisse Faye of Cheikh-Anta-Diop University in Dakar says, “I sincerely hope that this can happen.” 

Across the Pond Podcast: Conversation with Reginalda Joseph

Posted in : on 19 March 2021

Reginalda Joseph, Hydrogeologist, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Namibia shares her journey as a woman in the water sector and explains how women can break the barriers.

Women must lead Africa’s water resources decisions for improving management

Posted in : on 10 March 2021

Reginalda Joseph, an alumna of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)- Groundwater Management Institute (GMI) ‘s Young Professional (YP) program.

Woman engineer paves the way for groundwater access in Chongwe District, Zambia

Posted in : on 16 October 2020

Eng. Beatrice Kanyamuna-Pole, Senior Hydrogeologist, in the Department of Water Resource Development, Zambia shares her journey as a woman contributing to the water sector.

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