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Improving access to multi-use water resources essential to building resilience

Posted in : on 29 April 2021

Somalia is rebuilding itself after suffering more than two decades of insecurity and humanitarian crises. CIWA supports the Somalia government in resolving water resources matters.

Women must lead Africa’s water resources decisions for improving management

Posted in : on 10 March 2021

Reginalda Joseph, an alumna of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)- Groundwater Management Institute (GMI) ‘s Young Professional (YP) program.

A comprehensive understanding of water resources helps manage and preserve Lake Chad

Posted in : on 23 February 2021

Lake Chad is the fourth largest lake in Africa. This rich, tropical Lake with its related wetlands is shared by Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria.

Sustainable groundwater access can build resilience among Mozambicans

Posted in : on 9 December 2020

If used sustainably, groundwater could provide potable water to the estimated 40% of SADC inhabitants that currently lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation services.

In the Sahel, capitalizing on groundwater expertise is essential

Posted in : on 20 October 2020

Utilizing groundwater is undeniably essential for increasing shared prosperity in the Sahel – especially since surface water is so scarce. But support from science is needed for an effective and sustainable development of this invisible resource.

Woman engineer paves the way for groundwater access in Chongwe District, Zambia

Posted in : on 16 October 2020

Eng. Beatrice Kanyamuna-Pole, Senior Hydrogeologist, in the Department of Water Resource Development, Zambia shares her journey as a woman contributing to the water sector.

Enhancing Niger Basin’s ecosystem through modeling and improved decision making

Posted in : on 13 September 2020

The Niger River – a source of life and hope – can be destructive if not properly managed. The recent floods in Niger and Mali show that it can have damaging consequences, especially on the communities living on the edge of the river.

Young women take charge of managing Africa’s water resources

Posted in : on 9 August 2020

On International Youth Day 2020, Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) celebrates the contribution of young women in the African water sector by helping improve water resources management.

Providing access to groundwater to the Chongwe community: A pilot project in Zambia

Posted in : on 24 July 2020

COVID-19 has set new rules for us – regular handwashing, wearing of masks, and frequent sanitization. All these have become the ‘new normal’ as we embrace physical distancing with the hope of preventing infections and protecting human health.

Nurturing future water experts for sustainable water resources management in Africa

Posted in : on 16 July 2020

Youth are instrumental in addressing the world’s key issues and play a crucial role in sustainable development efforts. CIWA and the World Bank are building the skills of youth to meet new challenges.

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