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SIWI World Water Week 2022: Recap and Highlights from CIWA Program Manager 

Posted in : on 16 September 2022

Anders Jagerskog, Program Manager for the CIWA Program and focal lead for transboundary waters issues at the World Bank, gives us his insights of the Water World event he participated in.

Green Homes for Sustainable Development: Creating Climate Change Resilience in Slum Communities of Kampala, Uganda

Posted in : on 14 September 2022

In 2021, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) with support from CIWA Program trained women and youth as Climate Change Resilience Champions; this training has created big impact. Asia Namusoke, one of the beneficiaries of the training shares her story

World Water Week: A Recap Video

Posted in : on 7 September 2022

Experts from around the world came together at the SIWI World Water Week in Stockholm last week to discuss ways to transform innovation into implementation for a water-secure future. Missed the event? Watch a quick video recap, with an interview of our CIWA Program manager, Anders Jagerskog. Credit: World Bank

Remote sensing technology helps close the transboundary water data gap in Africa

Posted in : on 1 September 2022

Credible and consistent data on the quantity and quality of water is vital in ensuring the equitable and efficient management, distribution, and usage of transboundary water – which is imperative in addressing major regional development challenges as well as contributing to a reduction in conflict and displacement.

Invisible Bonds: Resilience Building in the Horn of Africa’s Borderlands

Posted in : on 22 August 2022

Fostering stakeholder dialogue, embedding trust, and building relationships underpinned by equitable information and knowledge sharing, will be pivotal for the Horn of Africa to build back greener and develop resilient development pathways.

Conservation and Protection of the Cubango-Okavango Basin in Southern Africa

Posted in : on 5 June 2022

Listen to CIWA’s Senior Water Management Specialist, Aleix Capdevilla, to know more on this region of Southern Africa and discover how CIWA is supporting the transboundary water cooperation in Cubango/Okavango River Basin and to better understand the importance of preservation and conservation in that region.

Groundwater at the heart of the Water Security Equation

Posted in : on 22 March 2022

In light of World Water Day (March 22), James Sauramba, Executive Director of the Southern Africa Development Community-Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI), turns our attention to the important of groundwater.

Providing Water for Food Security to Local Communities in Botswana and Zimbabwe

Posted in : on 21 March 2022

In Botswana, a total of 7094 community members benefited from the community gardening project. The water supply and community gardens that were rehabilitated as part of the project drastically improved their water and food security.

Bold action needed for a water-secure Africa

Posted in : on 19 March 2022

Bolder action is needed to scale up what works well and address systemic obstacles to water security and universal sanitation. On the African continent, there are many pressure points that need transformative action for a greener, more resilient future.

IWD2022: Ellen Hagerman gives us an overview of CIWA’s engagements towards GESI

Posted in : on 8 March 2022

In advancing more elevated professional roles for women in the transboundary water field today, senior gender specialist Ellen Hagerman points to the importance of positioning women as leaders.

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